
Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Malala’s Open Letter to Parents of the Kidnapped Chibok Girls – “I pray for the day when you can embrace your girls again”

Activist Malala Yousafzai wrote this open letter to the parents of the Chibok girls. It’s been two years since the girls were abducted from their school in Borno state.
Dear mothers and fathers,
I write this letter with a heavy heart, knowing you have endured another year separated from your daughters. I think of you every day since we first met two years ago — and join millions of people around the world in praying for the safety and swift return of your girls.
As I did last year, I call on President Buhari of Nigeria — and everyone who can help rescue the Chibok girls — to act now. Would a president give up the fight for his own daughter? These girls are just as precious to their families.
Parents, thank you for having the courage to send your daughters to school. My dream is that one day they will come home, finish their education and choose their futures for themselves.
I pray for the day when you can embrace your girls again.
Your sister,

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